Uncensored Information About Climate Change

The Earth's climate has always changed naturally, with temperatures oscillating upwards and downwards over time. The Earth's climate will continue to change in the future regardless of human activity or CO2 levels.
The Earth's climate is a very sophisticated system and many scientists and meteriologists see these cycles of change as being mainly driven by solar cycles and also the effects of major volcanic eruptions.
Despite the propaganda, the global warming scare is based on computer models and predictions, while the real-world data does not support the ‘Climate Emergency’ claims. A great many scientists also do not see carbon dioxide as a pollutant, rather they see it is an essential food for plants. Without CO2 all life would cease.
Furthermore, most scientists agree that humans cannot control the Earth's temperature like a thermostat as that is scientifically impossible. These alternative views are all explored in the videos and scientific links below.
The Integrity of Science is at Stake (Is climate policy the new Marxism?)
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Global Warming To Green Tyranny
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"The Green Reich: From Global Warming to Green Tyranny" - A short essay by Drieu Godefridi, PhD, founder of Hayek Institute, Brussels. (9 mins). Courtesy of The Very Opinionated Kate Wand Show. If this gets censored by YouTube, it is also available here.
The Club of Rome Climate Emergency Plan. Open support for depopulation as a 'solution' to environmental issues. (5 mins)
Humans are the carbon they want to reduce to zero. COVID and "global warming" are simply different horses but with the same jockey, running the same race, towards the same finish line - a totalitarian, depopulated world.
The similarities between the UN's "global warming" and COVID-19 propaganda are startling
Climate change / global warming (GW) and a seasonal respiratory disease (C19) have both been weaponised in a remarkably similar way to promote a level of fear and policy responses that, conveniently, align with the Great Reset agenda of the UN and the global elite.
Both are Technocrat-led operations so that the agenda to create a global technocracy (disguised as sustainable development), can be ushered in. COVID is also a more 'sellable' fear to induce panic than "global warming". COVID and "global warming" are different horses but with the same jockey, running the same race, towards the same finish line - a totalitarian, depopulated world. Consider the following:
CREATE A PROBLEM (by controlling the message)
- Both involve natural and permanent phenomena GW: Climate has always changed with temperatures rising and falling in cycles over the centuries. C19: Respiratory coronaviruses such as influenza and the common cold happen every year.
- Both use exaggerated evidence GW: Label all destructive weather events as being caused by GW. Ignore global cooling. C19: Label as many illnesses and deaths as posssible as COVID-related.
- Both manipulate data in the models to suit the desired narrative GW: Use selective data, unsound models and predictions to propagate fear. Feed ‘unsafe’ data into predictive models to ensure environmental catastrophe narrative and to justify extreme political measures. C19: Use selective date (cases) & unsound predictions to propagate fear. Feed ‘unsafe’ data into predictive models to predict medical catastrophe, to justify extreme measures.
PROVOKE THE DESIRED REACTION (by controlling the messengers)
- Both control the media narrative. Censor dissidents GW: Use media to create only one narrative. Censor opposing views and opposing science. C19: Use media to create only one narrative. Censor opposing views and opposing statistics.
- Both only give a platform to approved scientists GW: Use ‘captured’ scientist & institutions to exaggerate dangers. C19: Use ‘captured’ scientist & institutions to exaggerate dangers.
- Both direct funding to approved messengers GW: Only fund research supporting carbon emissions narrative. C19: Give financial incentives to falsely attribute deaths to COVID-19.
- Both censor dissenting scientists GW: Suppress alternative science results and views. Ridicule, marginalise, defund, dissenting climate scientist. Attribute scientific dissent to fossil fuel funded lobbyists. Discredit scepticism. Call 'climate deniers' murderers. C19: Suppress alternative science results and views. Threaten & discredit doctors and medical staff with dismissal if they challenge official narrative. Call all opposing voices far-right. Do not allow fact based dissent a platform. Call 'COVID deniers' murderers.
- Both want to restrict freedom of travel GW: Ration freedom to travel overseas, except for the rich. C19: Make freedom to travel overseas rare, expensive and difficult and dependent on having a COVID-free pass..
- Both want to restrict freedom to live normally, work and earn a living GW: Can lead to a digital currency based on personal 'carbon credits' to restrict freedoms. C19: Introduce vaccination passports and 'Certificate of Vaccination ID' to restrict freedoms.
- Both want to restrict freedom to work, meet and socialise. GW: Ration travel, make remote working over tech platforms controlled by globalist corporations the norm. C19: Restrict interpersonal contact, make remote working over tech platforms controlled by globalist corporations the norm.
- Both use propaganda and social shaming to enforce group compliance GW: Use social peer pressure to force compliance to cult of the ‘environment’. Make ‘fighting for the planet’ is more important than everything else. Ignore unemployment & damage to the economy, as secondary. C19: Use social peer pressure to force compliance to cult of medical danger. Only COVID-19 deaths matter, they are more important than everything else. Ignore cancer deaths, unemployment, & damage to the economy.
- Both want to re-engineer economy to suit global corporations GW: Use environmental regulations to reengineer economy to profit global corporations. C19: Use ‘lockdown’ to reengineer economy to favour global corporations. such as Amazon, Big Tech and Big Pharma corporations.
- Both want to increase the economic burden on workers and small businesses GW: Environmental projects like carbon capture and regulation will add burdens and inefficiencies on small businesses and remove opportunities and freedoms from the working population. Give global corporations more economic advantage. C19: Use lockdowns to weaken and destroy many small/medium size business and depress wages. Give global corporations more economic advantage.
- Both want to use increased welfare to win public support GW: Promise the left a ‘Green New Deal’ and an economy reengineered to socialist values. In reality, rolling out a totalitarian corporatist agenda. C19: generous social welfare, universal basic income. In reality, creating a huge dependency on the State to buy compliance with a totalitarian corporatist agenda.
- Both claim to be just “following the science” GW: Claim science is dictating social, economic and political policy from officially approved globalist bodies such as the UN, IPCC and World Bank. C19: Claim science is dictating social, economic and political policy from officially approved globalist bodies such as the UN, WHO and World Bank. .
- Both want to transfer massive amounts of wealth upwards to the global elite GW: The response involves transferring vast amounts of national wealth to global ‘climate funds’ and global corporations. C19: The response involved transferring vast amounts of national wealth to global corporations such as Amazon, Big Tech and Big Pharma corporations.
- Both ultimately want to remove personal freedoms that will cause more damage to ordinary people than the supposed 'problem' GW: The totalitarian solutions to global warming will cause more social political and economic damage, than any fluctuations in the Earth's temperature ever could. Conveniently, they align with the Great Reset agenda of the global elite. C19: The response HAS caused more social political and economic damage than the virus ever could. Conveniently, they align with the Great Reset agenda of the global elite.
Read more in Technocracy News
Climate Hustle is a good introduction to the things that don't make sense about climate change, the financial interests and censorship of many dissident scientists. Is it all a scam to justify Agenda 21 and the globalist agenda? (1 hour, 18 mins)
The Politics of Climate Change. Jermwarfare interviews Marc Morano, author of the The Politically Incorrect Guide To Climate Change and the documentary Climate Hustle, which is based on the book. (1 hour, 34 mins)
Planet of the Humans is a documentary that explores the dark side of an environmental movement that has been hijacked by corporate interests. Director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine") argues that environmentalists have fallen for “green” illusions. Amongst other things, the film exposes how Al Gore has personally profited from his climate alarmism. The is a full-frontal assault by an environmantalist on green sacred cows. (1 hour, 40 mins)
The In-depth Story Behind a Climate Fraud
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The 97% Myth. Dr. John Robson investigates the origins and fundamental inaccuracy and dishonesty, of the claim that 97% of "the world's scientists" agree that climate change is man-made, urgent and dangerous. (16 mins) More information here.
IPCC pressure tactics exposed: A Climategate Backgrounder
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Dr. John Robson looks back on the scandalous "Climategate" decision to delete awkward data that contradicted the idea that science said we face a man-made global warming crisis. (20 mins)
The Great Global Warming Swindle is a documentary that argues that scientific opinion on climate change is really about finance and scientific corruption. Despite the mainstream propaganda, it argies that there is no genuine scientific consensus about the reality or causes of climate change. This documentary was originally broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK. (55 mins)
Tim Ball - The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science
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Tim Ball: The Deliberate Corruption of Science. This very informative talk by climate expert Dr Tim Ball examining the corruption of the science behind climate change. It also examines the psychological aspect of people who have become attached to the climate change debate. (2 hours)
Mark Steyn - IPCC Official Admits Global Warming Is A Lie To Redistribute Wealth
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Mark Steyn exposes the real totalitarian agenda hidden behind the environmental movement. It's not about the environment. (7 mins)
Davos Depopulation and Climate Crisis Talk is Disturbing and Inaccurate
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Davos, Depopulation and Climate Change: The World Economic Forum (WEF) discussed the need for depopulation - this time under the pretext of saving the planet from "man-made climate change". (7 mins)
Uncensored sources of climate information
There are thousands of climate scientists who disagree with climate change alarmism. However, as with COVID, most are now censored by the mainstream media as their views do not fit with the UN's official position. Below are just a selection of uncensored sites by scientists that challenge the offical climate change narrative.
- ***Global Warming Policy Foundation. A very comprehensive and professional source of information free from corporate or political influence. RECOMMENDED
- ***Principia-scientific.org provides independent science news updates without corporate bias or government influence. Coverage of climate change is robust, fact-based and deeply sceptical of the official narrative. It is supported by a very strong team of independent and highly qualified scientists. RECOMMENDED.
- ***No Tricks Zone - "Not here to worship what is known, but to question it". Climate and energy news from Germany in English.
- ***Electroverse - this site has a particular focus on the power of the sun and next solar minimum on climate change.
- ClimateDiscussionNexus.com provides an uncensored forum for open debate on all aspects of climate change
- Clintel.org - is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. It represents hundreds of dissenting scientists challenging the man-made climate change narrative RECOMMENDED
- CO2Coalition.org provides independent science-based discussion of climate change and the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions.
- Climate4You.com (Prof Humlum University of Oslo)

Above: Air consists of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% trace gasses. Of that 1% trace gasses 0.038% = Co2. Of that 0.038% nature produces 96% itself. Human influence is only 4% of 0.038%. So that would mean 0.00152% of human Co2 contribution would be the cause of global warming.
In terms of atmospheric gases, carbon dioxide makes up a tiny 0.03%. This is supposed to be the gas that will cause a climate apocalypse if it rises by a tiny amount. There are thousands of scientists who disagree with this scaremongering. See the Global Policy Warming Foundation for high quality uncensored climate science updates.

Above: Only a tiny percentage of greenhouses are caused by human activity. This is not something ever reported in the mainstream media

Above: The Co-Chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Ottmar Edenhofer, admits that climate alarmism "has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore". It's about wealth redistribution - the so-called "Great Reset".
The corruption of science by global financial interests is being used to generate irrational climate fear in order to get countries and citizens to surrender their economic freedoms on the pretext of "saving the planet". This is being done by the UN-controlled IPCC. As with the UN / WHO's promotion of COVID hysteria, the same technique of fear is being used to pressurise people into surrendering their freedoms. The aim is to get people to co-operate with the globalist's agenda to implement their "Great Reset" and create a totalitarian New World Order.
Earth is cooling, with Prof Valentina Zharkova. Professor Of Physics & Mathematics at Northumbria University. She explains why the Earth is not warming and, instead, has begun a cooling cycle. She also explains why the sun is responsible for Earth's temperature changes, and why humans have no effect on the temperature. (1 hour, 06 mins)
Global Warming - The Cold, Hard Facts
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Global Warming: The Cold Hard Facts. Gregory Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition challenges the myths we’re told about climate change and its threats to mankind. (40 mins)
UNSUSTAINABLE THE UN'S AGENDA FOR WORLD DOMINATION. PART 1. The UN says "sustainable development" is simply simply about reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world and controlling 'climate change;. However, the UN's plan for the 21st Century - Agenda 21 - is also abouthe forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet. In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian World Government. So what's the real agenda behind Agenda 21? (1 hour, 20 mins)