Dissident (adjective): Someone who disagrees with the official views, narratives and propaganda presented by those with power and the media that they control.
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Important COVID videos and information suppressed by the controlled media
Are you getting the vaccine? If people get injected after watching this, then they are beyond saving. (16 mins) BANNED BY YOUTUBE & FACEBOOK
You may never trust another celebrity after watching this video. Heart breaking truth about the injections, not propaganda. (24 mins)
MEP gives powerful speech: "I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig by getting vaccinated with an experimental drug, and I will most assuredly not get vaccinated because my government tells me to and promises, in return, I will be granted freedom.
Let’s be clear about one thing: No one grants me freedom for I am a free person." (4 mins)
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
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A Killing of the Mind: Mass Psychosis and How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill. This important video explores mass psychosis - when mental illness becomes normalised and how it is exploited by the totalitarian impulse. The parallels with the 'COVID pandemic' are obvious. What is also striking are the proven best methods to resist such a mass psychosis. They include sharing truth, being a beacon of hope and creating parallel structures that protect and nourish the human Spirit.
The New Normal. This is a very well researched and professionally produced documentary exposing the true economic and political agenda behind the COVID smokescreen. This has been banned by YouTube and Facebook (of course). Back-up copies are available here, here and here.
Monopoly - Follow the Money. An excellent summary of who owns - and how they control - the world and how they are using COVID as a cover for their own agenda. Back-up copy here if / when the YouTube version is censored. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (45 mins)
Planet Lockdown: a documentary featuring some of the brightest and bravest epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters and statesmen who have the courage to speak truth against all odds. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (1 hour, 50 mins)
Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World
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Is George Orwell's 1984 Becoming a Reality? We now live in a world where open and honest questioning and debate is called "misinformation" and censoreship has become "protecting the truth". (15 mins)
Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1
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Communist Subversion. Episode 1. New three part series of excellent overviews of how another attempt to impose global communism is underway. (21 mins) Episodes 2 and 3 are here.
Love Your Servitude - Aldous Huxley & George Orwell
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Love Your Servitude. Aldous Huxley and George Orwell describe today's emerging reality. (17 mins)
"STOP ENSLAVING PEOPLE" - Orthodox Bishop on Lockdowns & Restrictions | Mar Mari Emmanuel
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"Stop enslaving people" - Orthodox Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel. An excerpt from a powerful sermon against lockdowns and mandatory injections. (5 mins)
Graphene Oxide found in COVID vaccines. Dr. Jane Ruby with Stew Peters July 2021. This is confirmed by Google Patents IMPORTANT (15 mins)
Other important videos among hundreds more inside this website
Pfizer vaccine destroys natural immunity. This will mean endless series of highly profitable 'booster' injections. Shocking admission by scientist. IMPORTANT (1 min)
Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "Everything is a pack of lies". Mask don’t work. Social distance doesn’t work. Shutting travel down won’t stop it. Lockdowns don’t work. In fact, nothing works. The vaccine is experimental. Doctors are being threatened and silenced. Children should not be vaccinated - it could sterilize them. Nobody under 70 should get the injection. Natural immunity is the best immunity.
Reiner Fullmich Update - September 2021. Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from the Corona Investigative Committee presents their Summary Findings 15 sept 2021. (39 mins)
It's all about population control. According to Dr Christiane Northrup the COVID inections are a murder weapon. (48 mins)
The truth about the experimental COVID injection. This is a remarkable speech by Dr Simone Gold from America’s Frontline Doctors addressing the dangers of blind acceptance of an experimental, genetically-modified synthetic agent as a safe "vaccination". (33 mins) BANNED BY YOUTUBE
Top global central banker openly declares that they want total control over ALL money, who spends it, where, when and how. Faking a pandemic helps them to move people from cash to digital payments. (2 mins) RECOMMENDED
The 'Delta Strain' is being caused by the injections. Very important interview with UK funeral director who blows the lid on COVID deception RECOMMENDED (24 mins)
Resist COVID 1984. A call to action from a series of medical experts and professionals from around the world. (8 mins)
Alexis Bugnolo, a Franciscan hermit living in Rome: "We’re are in the middle of a Satanic Masonic takeover of the world". BANNED BY YOUTUBE. (10 mins). RECOMMENDED
Psychology and the COVID attack on humanity. Prof Mattias Desmet, expert in clinical psychology and mind control discusses with Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Dr Wolfgang Wodarg the totalitarian psychology behind the scamdemic. (1 hour 9 mins)
Dr. David Martin interviewed by Dr Reiner Fullmich. Dr Marin, an expert in patent law and finance, provides compelling evidence that COVID was pre-planned and is a clear case of medical fraud. This is the shorter English-only version without the German translation. Banned by YouTube. IMPORTANT (1 hour 20 mins)
WHO whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger. She explains how the 'pandemic' is being used as a cover for planned depopulation, total control, perpetual feat and perpetual vaccination. (10 mins)
Decoding Davis: The Global Endgame explores Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum's plans to reshape, reimagine, and reset the entire world and what it really means for humanity's future. RECOMMENDED (46 mins)
HOW Big Oil Conquered the World is an important documentary by The Corbett Report setting out how the globalists gained their power moving from oil, to education, medicine, finance and digital tech (1 hour 53 mins). The follow-up video is 'WHY Big Oil Conquered the World' (1 hour, 8 mins) should also be viewed. Both are excellent documentaries to understand who is running the world - and how they benefit from 'pandemics'. BOTH ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
WHY Big Oil Conquered the World' explains the control and depopulation agenda of the globalists. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (1 hour, 8 mins)
A Colonel from the Russian Military Intelligence service, Vladimir Kvachkov, explains that the COVID "pandemic" has been deliberately designed to achieve four goals:
1) Global depopulation;
2) Political control over the remaining population;
3) Deflation of the current financial bubble (also known as "The Great Reset");
4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors. (11 mins)
Scamdemic exposed in Parliament. Dutch Politician Thierry Baudet speaks clearly, eloquently and bluntly on the real COVID agenda (5 mins) RECOMMENDED
They want to kill six billion of us. Here's how they will do it. Dr. Vernon Coleman (censored by YouTube) warns of genocide from the rollout of the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections. In autumn 2021 and winter 2022 he predicts a massive wave of deaths worldwide. This will be blamed on COVID "variants" and the WHO and governments will push for additional injections and compulsory "health" passports to enter stores to buy food, travel, etc. (12 mins)
CHIPPED (The Movie) is an American documentary warning of the dangerous future that could very soon become reality for humanity if we choose to sit idly by and allow mandatory injection, tracking and tracing and chipping of human beings. (60 mins)
Warning for Humanity. How the COVID-19 vaccine can transform humanity forever, going from HUMAN 1.0 to HUMAN 2.0. (55 mins) BANNED BY YOUTUBE, VIMEO & FACEBOOK
PLANdemic: Indoctornation is an award winning documentary showing how the COVID-19 plandemic was deliberately planned to: (a) generate billions in profits for Big Pharma through masss vacinations; (b) commence the creation, using vaccines, of a genetically modified and easily controlled form of humanity;
(c) commence global depopulation.
RISE. A powerful short film looking back at events worldwide during the past 12 months, chronicling humanity's nosedive into unquestioning compliance with tyrannical policies being imposed on ordinary people using COVID as the excuse. (7 mins)
Reiner Fullmich interviews Whitney Webb as part of the German Corona Hearings. This is an important, wide ranging interview covering the working of elite groups, coming cyberpandemcic, economic collapse, eugenics, censorship and reveals how the COVID 'plandemic' has been a long time in the planning and huge in its implications for humanity. A deep dive.
RECOMMENDED (1 hour 4 mins)
The Pandemic of Panic. An excellent short German language documentary film (with English subtitles) released in Jan 2021 which describes in detail how propaganda has been used by governments throughout the western world to deliberately panic and confuse their citizens for the purpose of advancing a totalitarian agenda on a global scale. (20 mins)
The Question on Everyone's Mind. Doctors, scientists and activists offering alternative opinions to the mainstream propaganda. (26 mins) BANNED BY YOUTUBE & FACEBOOK
We Will Not Be Silenced: Ask the Experts II provides a platform to censored medical professionals to express their views on the validity of the global pandemic and the safety & efficacy of the experimental COVID-19 'vaccines', the masks and the other precautionary measures that have been so readily adopted in our society. RECOMMENDED (53 mins) BANNED BY YOUTUBE, VIMEO & FACEBOOK